Workshop Body awareness during playing.
Esta conference Porto 2020 ONLINE!
Saturday 31 th October
11.00 – 12.00 h (CET-1) local time
Member and not members of Esta are welcome.
Ofcourse it is online!
It would be nice to meet you there!
To participate the conference?
Please register:
Body-awareness during playing is about: How to make music in a natural and healthy way.
It is not about: How to create a good posture.
A posture based on body balance and natural movements creates a good posture.
- prevent injuries
- to develop a good and healthy technique
- to create an open and natural sound
With less use of energy you will play in the most efficient way. The most efficient way for your body!
So please join the workshop.
Making music should feel sensational for your whole body.
Workshop Program
- Body scan exercise
- Why body awareness
- Warming-up exercise
- Body knowledge
- Open chest
- Circle of playing
- Cooling down exercise
- Discussion time
Esther den Boer
Esther has a lot of experience in the field of physical activity and mental well-being. She has been able to combine her medical and violin technical qualifications in her violin practice in a unique way. Her special interest in playing the violin in combination with bodywork (in addition to medical knowledge) led her to collaborations with physiotherapy, Feldenkreis, Dans and movement therapy.